Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A picture is worth a 1,000 words, or maybe it's 139 or 165 or 35?

It seems sometimes in the blog world everyone is getting their panties in a bunch to be cutting edge and the first to post the new hot thing. However at Nutopia we feel it is nice sometimes to go back and re-vist the things that once got us excited yet now seem to be lost in the world of blog.

Today we wanted to highlight or re-highlight, for some of you a brilliant blog that has everything to do with photography but has zero to do with images. It is the brain child of photographer Michael David Murphy and it's called Unphotographable: a text account of pictures missed. From the title we would hope you get the basic gist of it but if not, Murphy blogs in elaborate detail texts about the pictures he was unable to take.

He began this journey four years ago in 2004 (Told ya we were going back a bit) while in Ethiopia and unable for primarily religious reasons to capture images thus he began to use words. Murphy describes these entries as; "Opportunities Missed" "Simple Failures" "Occasions when I wished I'd taken the picture, or not forgotten the camera, or had been brave enough to click the shutter". Either way we feel in a world saturated with images it's nice to once and a while use our imagination to "picture" Murphy's "pictures".

Here are a few of our favorites:


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Eyes On: Ian Stevenson

So we might be a tad late on this guy but in all fairness he is working 3,471 miles away from us (That's 5585 km for our international readers). None the less we think he is doing some brilliant and thought proving illustrations in the capitol city and elsewhere.

Commercially he recently worked on a brilliant campaign with Perrier involving some witty banter and clever drawings. However when he is not drawing for big companies his mind wanders to strange and fanciful places that often invoke childlike humor but deal with (sometimes) serious matter.

We became interested in Stevenson after viewing a clip about an ongoing project/addiction about bring discarded rubbish to life via cartoon illustrations and cunning speech bubbles.

To see both the video that sparked this post and more of his genius work have a look at his site; I Like Drawing

Rock the Casbah

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hi! How Are You?

To conclude our final segment of The Movie Review we have chosen to dig in the creates a bit and pull out an older documentary from the year 2005. It explores the intriguing collision of art and autism via the poignant and serious life story of Daniel Johnston. If you are not familiar with Johnston's music this is an excellent introduction to his lo-fi often home recorded sound.

The Devil & Daniel Johnston
Basics: A very well made and deep documentary capturing the rise and fall or fall and rise, depending on how you look at it of the career of the autistic artist Daniel Johnston. A true virtuoso Johnston excels in music and art and constantly creates to the announce of his parents and delight of his peers. However Daniel's expression comes at a cost which slowly haunts and takes over his life.

Best Bit: Those familiar with Johnston will know his importance in the Austin music scene in the 1990's and how he hustled his way on to MTV. The music however dominates this film from begin to end. It is truly amazing and inspiring to be exposed to music from over 15 years ago that seems to be hidden away and almost sunned in todays society.

Bit Too Much: This film is a real roller-coaster emotionally. It has it highs that seem to constantly reach new peaks but it also has it's lows that at points can be hard to take in. It is a true story of a real person who seemed to be the brightest of stars only to be left behind tragically by society. It becomes difficult and scary to watch the transformation.

We thank you for reading our reviews and hope that you thoroughly enjoy them.
Now we have to think of something new to post...

Signing off,
The Nutopia Crew

Monday, January 21, 2008

7 Distinguished Actors Depicting 7 Different Aspects of 1 Distinctly Diverse ManMusician

We'll let you take a breath after that title...
We're back with yet another supplement of our collective review of the art of film looking at men who led bands. However today we look at one man who needed no band, he was a true individual and continues to be iconic. He represents far to much for one film to fit in but none the less Todd Hayness had a go thus we shall too.

I'm Not There
Basics: Seven people depict 7 different aspects of the brilliant songsmith known as Bob Dylan. Additionally a smorgasbord of famous faces and names adorn the screen and credits of the soundtrack.

Best Bit: Marcus Carl Franklin performance is light years ahead of his age, Allen Ginsberg on a golf cart, Charlotte Gainsbourg and lastly the fanciful performance of "Going to Acapulco" by Jim James & Calexico.

Bit Too Much: 2hr 15min runtime. As good as the actors are and as good as the music is a bit of an edit would have helped this fairy-tale of a film maintain it's genius.
On a final note we may be "photographers" but we are not sure who dropped the ball on the movie poster. Its pretty clear to us that the one above we discovered deep in Google Image is far superior and better at conveying the concept of the film than the silhouette poster used.

Additional Viewing: Don't Look Back & Eat The Document

The Last & From The Past: The Devil & Daniel Johnston

Till then,
Enjoy the rest of MLK Jr. Day

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Confusion in Her Eyes it Says it All

As promised the next installment of the "highly anticipated" and "critically acclaimed" Nutopia Movie Review.
Tonight we look at a superb yet dark biopic of the front man of Joy Division, Ian Curtis.

Basics: Rebellion, Anger, Sadness, Confusion, Mayhem, Joy & Shock are just a few emotions that sum up this gem of a film looking at the unfortunately brief history of Joy Division. The film however mostly focuses on the relationships that literally tear Curtis apart mentally.

Best Bit: If 24 Hour Party People makes Tony Wilson out to be God & Genius, Control brings him a bit back to earth. Oh and the music particularity the performance of "She's Lost Control". The soundtrack is worth a listen or two as well featuring songs from the Velvet Underground, David Bowie and a couple New Order tracks amongst other famous names of the time.

Bit Too Much: Very hard to find any major flaws with this one it's real good. Highly Recommended by the Crew.

On Deck: I'm Not There

Good weekend to all,
The Nutopia Forum

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Nutopia Film Review: January Music Men

Lead singers, you can't have a band without them but they sure do love that spotlight. In the past few months a few filmmakers have helped to maximize and even re-light that spotlight for some of musics most inspiring & interesting.

We at the forum have seen a fair few of these flicks and thought we would have a little go at reviewing them for your enjoyment. Over the next few days we will be posting the remainder of the reviews, so watch out now!

Joe Strummer: The Future is Unwritten
Basics: "The Only British Band That Matters" and their no rules all out crazy front man. Mix some old footage with current interviews and bosh you have a pretty informative and captivating film.

Best Bit: A few choice words for a jam packed New York audience right after Grandmaster Flash had opened for them. Apparently 1980's punks were not ready for what was brewing across the river in Brooklyn, Joe had other magnificent ideas.

Bit Too Much: Apparently Joe really loves campfires and so do his friends and family. Get the marshmallows and tent out because by the end of this film you will want to be camping around a fire with your mates.

Next Up: Control

Till the next time.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

To Design; Oui or Non?

Tonight we bring you video of the brilliant product designer, Philippe Starck speaking at the wildly inspiring TED Talks.

Philippe attempts to answer the age old question of Why Design? or better yet Why Create? Along the journey he precedes to entertain us with his sharp wit and intelligent banter all while dropping some profound thoughts far beyond the world of art & design.

Bonne Nuit!


The Fader always throws a good party!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008


A big thanks to Miki Johnson at American Photo for writing this great article on the Nutopia Forum in a new publication (under American Photo) called POP PHOTO!
It features members work and is another great write up on what we do!
Check it>>>

\\\Adolescence and the Virtues of Maturity?///

A few of us made it to this show last night. Suitably 'fashion', and not a bad looking or badly dressed person in sight... But behind all the attractiveness, the question still floats 'what the hell am I doing here?' We collectively don't remember one picture, but who cares... we drank free beer. Right?


A new year, a new month, and a new Issue of the Nutopia Magazine!!!
Issue 3 features the Northern Breeze; Simon Howell /// King of N6th; Glenn Glasser /// and little Euro Trecker; Cailla Quinn.
Nutopia Magazine

10 Days into 2008...

So here we are, 10 days gone, and the New Year has already caused complications for our 'daily' blogging! (Could we blame this on the KGB?) But, things are looking good for the Nutopia Forum! We have new issues of the magazine in steady progress, thanks to a new member of the Nutopia Forum! They have joined the office to keep our website up to date, the blogs-a-plenty, and also has been adding a healthy amount of thought for Nutopia events too!
Things will be getting kept in order from now on, no slacking or falling behind from the Nutopia Crew!!!
We hope that you all had a jolly good Christmas, which already seems so long ago now...
Here's to a new beginning, and a healthy start to the New Year!
NUtOPia fORuM.