Thursday, January 10, 2008

10 Days into 2008...

So here we are, 10 days gone, and the New Year has already caused complications for our 'daily' blogging! (Could we blame this on the KGB?) But, things are looking good for the Nutopia Forum! We have new issues of the magazine in steady progress, thanks to a new member of the Nutopia Forum! They have joined the office to keep our website up to date, the blogs-a-plenty, and also has been adding a healthy amount of thought for Nutopia events too!
Things will be getting kept in order from now on, no slacking or falling behind from the Nutopia Crew!!!
We hope that you all had a jolly good Christmas, which already seems so long ago now...
Here's to a new beginning, and a healthy start to the New Year!
NUtOPia fORuM.

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