Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Who is Jim Marshall?

We asked ourself this very question this morning upon receving a random call from the man himself asking for Plat to congratulate him on his recent image of Ornette Coleman in The New Yorker.

"Jim Marshall was one of the chief photographers at the Monterey Pop Festival and at the original Woodstock, the only photographer granted backstage access at the Beatles' last concert, and the only person ever to squeeze Janis Joplin and Grace Slick into a single frame. Marshall has more than five hundred album and CD covers to his credit."

A native son of San Francisco "The Rock & Roll Photographer" has shot anyone who was anyone in music throughout the 60's, 70's & 80's. You have seen his images before, possible without knowing it, he is also responsible for a few of the iconic images that defined those decades as well. Oh and he has three books, Jazz, Proof & Not Fade Away literally overflowing with extraordinary images. Oh and his camera of choice, a gold Lecia M4.

We think Mr. Marshall and his work are rad, so have a look; we included a picture of the famed gold M4, we could not resist.
{Images via Wolfgang's Vault}

Keep Rocking in a Free World,
The Nutopians


  1. sorry to be a douche, but it's not god coloured it's just brassing after years of love and affections..would have originally been black all over...

  2. edit "gold coloured"...the Cash picture is killer so is the Morrison one

  3. No you had it right. 'God colored"

  4. It's definitely the brass showing through, but that's so much cooler anyway; all the use that camera's had, and all the places it's been, are right there on the surface.

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