Today we wanted to highlight or re-highlight, for some of you a brilliant blog that has everything to do with photography but has zero to do with images. It is the brain child of photographer Michael David Murphy and it's called Unphotographable: a text account of pictures missed. From the title we would hope you get the basic gist of it but if not, Murphy blogs in elaborate detail texts about the pictures he was unable to take.
He began this journey four years ago in 2004 (Told ya we were going back a bit) while in Ethiopia and unable for primarily religious reasons to capture images thus he began to use words. Murphy describes these entries as; "Opportunities Missed" "Simple Failures" "Occasions when I wished I'd taken the picture, or not forgotten the camera, or had been brave enough to click the shutter". Either way we feel in a world saturated with images it's nice to once and a while use our imagination to "picture" Murphy's "pictures".
Here are a few of our favorites:
